Trainer Development Step-by-Step Guide
*6 months as a team member required
Step 1: Fill out an expression of interest form here.
Step 2: After receiving your expression of interest form, the Training Director will assign Pathway training for you to complete and will reach out to you within 7 days to schedule a follow-up meeting roughly 2-3 weeks out.
Step 3: Sometime over the course of those 2-3 weeks, the Training Director will set up time with your respective leaders to get approval or a performance improvement plan (PIP).
Step 4: The Training Director will meet with you to either discuss next steps or go over your PIP.
Step 5: After receiving Director approval, you will be scheduled for your Trainer Certification, where you will essentially train our Training Director.
Leadership Development Step-by-Step Guide
*3 months as a trainer required
Step 1: Fill out an expression of interest form here.
Step 2: It is required that every leader attend Leader Academy. You can view the Events page for the upcoming session schedule. In order to attend, you will need to sign-up using this link: Leader Academy Sign-up.
Step 3: After receiving your expression of interest form, the Training Director will assign Pathway training for you to complete and will reach out to you within 7 days to schedule a follow-up meeting roughly 3-4 weeks out.
Step 4: Sometime over the course of those 3-4 weeks, the Training Director will set up time with your respective leaders to complete an evaluation of your performance.
Step 5: The Training Director will meet with you to deliver your evaluation and go over some of the skills required for the role and development improvement plan on skills for you to work on.
Step 6: Work through the TL Administrative Packet (4-5 weeks) and actively work on your development improvement plan.
Step 7: Final review and evaluation from Training Director and Operations’ Director. If necessary, additional development improvement training will be required and re-evaluations will take place.
**All Assistant Director & Director positions are filled at discretion. If this is something you are interested in, we advise you to consult with your current Director and after getting their recommendation, please schedule a meeting with Laschelle.